VIS'S Frequently Asked Questions

Feel free to contact us directly if you have additional questions

VIS'S Frequently Asked Questions

Where are you located?

We have offices located all over the west coast.

How do I schedule an inventory?

You can either select Request a Quote or call (800) 332-6868.

What is SKU Inventory?

A SKU inventory is also called an item-level inventory; this is because every flavor of every item in the store is individually scanned. The reason this is great is because we can retain all sorts of information for every SKU such as retail, cost and category automatically.

Can VIS assist me in converting from financial to scan-based inventory?

The short answer is yes. Please call and speak with one of our software engineers and inventory professionals to have a specific plan catered for your company.​​​​​​​

With which industries does VIS have inventory experience?

We work in many different industries such as: grocery, drug, liquor, convenience, automotive, refinery, hardware clothing, and industrial.

How will I get my inventory results?

We can produce inventory results in a myriad of ways including: Excel, PDF, Flat File, FTP, Zip, Email and Fax.

What other services does VIS offer?

We offer Financial and Item level inventories, price verification and asset management services. Including bar-coding and price book development.

Contact Us

1180 Horizon Drive
​​​​​​​Suite B
Fairfield, CA 94533
